New Year Affirmation & Meditation Video

Happy New Year! As a gift, please enjoy this New Year Affirmation and Meditation Video to set you up for an incredible year.  Let me be your guide in affirming your unlimited potential and raising your energy to manifest your dreams. After the affirmation, the 20-minute visualization and meditation includes a review of the previous twelve months and a visioning for the year ahead. Have a journal nearby to write down insights at the end.

If you want to go further, be sure to join the 20/20 Vision New Year, New You Workshop and Course. More on that here:

I've reached thousands around the world in person... One of my goals this year is to deliver quality content on a consistent basis to expand our online and social media presence. I need your help to do this. Share this video with your friends and family. Please subscribe to the channel, comment and like. Most of all... enjoy! 

With Purpose & Power,

Teresa Kay-Aba Kennedy
Power Living Founder & CEO